A Sneaky Insurer

Our client came to us and notified us of a successful Total and Permanent Disability claim he made over 3 years ago utilising the services of his solicitor. The client was completely unable to work, and his future prognosis was that he would likely become more incapacitated over time, due to his condition.
The individual had an insurance policy through an industry Superannuation Fund. At the time of his disability, he had TPD insurance, as well as salary continuance insurance. However, he was not aware of the policies he had, or the benefits he was able to claim.
As a result of this, he did not know they were able to claim their salary continuance benefits. Breaching s 961B of the Corporations Act, neither his Superannuation company, nor his insurer chose to inform him of his ability to claim on his Salary Continuance policy when he came forward to make the successful Total and Permanent Disability claim, despite their knowledge of his eligibility. Both the Superannuation company and the insurer blatantly ignored this individual’s situation, and did not notify him of his income protection policy that he could have claimed, despite his dire condition.
The individual came to us with this information, and inquired about what they may be eligible to claim, and what they may have missed.
To successfully initiate a claim with the individual’s insurer to ensure that they are rightfully paid the funds that they deserve for their income protection policy that was in force at the time.
This client is just one example of the cases that we deal with constantly at Trendlines, as we seek to ensure that the right funds are in the right hands at the right time. Making a claim through an adviser not only makes the process so much more streamlined and stress-free, at a time when you need it most, but you are also assured to get all of your insurance benefits.
Have you or someone you know experienced an injustice when making a claim? Are you in the process of making a claim now and struggling with the complex requirements? Let us help you. Get in contact with us today.